Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In the news - Jurassic Park Precursor

Thos who know me well know I have long advocated a real world Jurassic Park as a modern day moon shot. Pour huge amounts of research money into biology; forgive student debt for anyone graduating college with a degree in molecular biology (subject to some yet to be created post graduation competency check.)

The primary nominal goal would be to bring back dinosaurs, mainly for the coolness value. “We choose to resurrect the Tyrannosaurus, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. And also awesome.” But the fact is that the huge investment in biology and the build up a large population of biologists would enable a lot more research and a lot more start ups and that would drive advancement in a lot of other areas.

Mad schemes aside, I’d be happy just to get the dinos and it seems that progress is being made.


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