Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Andy Stott - “Faith in Strangers”

Pitchfork top tracks for 2014
Next up Andy Stott - “Faith in Strangers”. Number 81

I like this track. Its pretty good to start with and it improves with repeated listens. There is a lot going on and once you've heard it a few times and your brain is more familiar with the patterns its a lot better. It reminds me of a less radio friendly version of Massive Attack or a warmer softer slower version of some of the loopy tracks from Atoms for Peace. I could also so a resemblance to Aphex Twin. If you like any of those bands check this out.

The album is called “Faith in Strangers” and one of its two 'singles' is also called “Faith in Strangers”. When I first went to check out this track I accidentally opened up a video of the full album. I ended up listening to the whole thing because it was good enough that I never reached a point where I felt compelled to stop listening to it. I think the album works well as a whole and it feels more 'natural' starting at the beginning and listening through. So as a bonus, below is a link to the whole album. If you've got some time check it out. I bet it would reward a headphone listen, but it works just fine for listening to at work. Probably a little slow to check out while running.

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